Monday, May 25, 2015

BEM Youth Recognition Awards

On Saturday May 23rd, 2015 the Butterflies en Mexico, A.C. Youth Volunteers
were honored.  The awards ceremony took place at the Laguna Mall,
Cinema MovieSpace Theatres.

We'd like to thank Cinema MovieSpace for their patronage.

Youth Gathering For The Ceremony

At the awards ceremony Butterfllies en Mexico Presidente, Mac Whyte
handed out Certificates of Recoginition, as well as free movie passes,
popcorn and drink vouchers.

Martha, Karuna y Mac


Several Board and Committe members were present to witness and
support all the work and effort that the local youth have accomplished
and donated.

The Butterflies en Mexico Crew 

Aside from instilliing a feeling of accomplishment and self worth,
the youth volunteer program teaches the importance of working
toward a community that is more inclusive of social service.

The accomplishments of the Anti-Violence, Anti-Hunger and Vocational
Training Programs could not have happened without the efforts of our 
youth volunteers.  Here's to those efforts...and the work of the Administrative
Staff, Volunteers and everyone who is involved in making our lakeside 
world better through social program involvement!